The journey to the stage continues as the cast meets to rehearse. The first rehearsal was a complete read through of the script. However, this time the characters worked within their specific scenes/groups. Unfortunately, I missed out on this rehearsal as I had a prior commitment to interview Dr. Ian Smith on his latest book Happy for the Health & Wellness Show. So the details I post are as shared with me from a very reliable source and I have the pictures to prove it.

“Today we are going to do a structured reading” just so the cast could continue to become familiar with the script, work out any issues that they had and ask any questions regarding anything that came up while reviewing the script since receiving it at first rehearsal. We welcomed five members into the family – Zelda, Evgeniya, Amanda, Alison and Tara.

Ahh, but first a bit of housekeeping. We had to make a few adjustments to the script as a few areas needed cleaning up and we lost three cast members since planning the first rehearsal. If someone were to take a snapshot of the scene, you would think it was the night before a college thesis was due. Papers everywhere as people disassembled, some on hands and knees, and then re-assembled scripts to add the additions and changes.

Some brave souls stepped up and took on additional lines, and in some cases, entire additional roles. Great cast we have. If that wasn’t enough, we actually had to split the cast and work in two rooms, as we learned during first rehearsal, WE NEED MORE ROOM. Everyone then broke into working groups and began bringing the script to life, bouncing lines and ideas off each other. At times you had to really concentrate to follow your own scene as one corner of the room had characters almost to tears while another corner was breaking out in song.

Did I mention that we had a great cast?? Running between rooms, observing the scenes unfold was awe inspiring. Over and over the excitement was building as we watched the scenes unfold. Everyone has a solid foundation and we look forward to giving the production more shape.

The beginning of this rehearsal process is so exciting because, even though everyone is becoming familiar with the play, we are also learning so much about it, the stories and the journeys. And we’ve only scratched the surface.

Until next rehearsal, spread the word -- as the journey is coming to the stage.
First Rehearsal
I'm so excited about this production and I can't wait to see it! I"ll be the one beaming light from the front row!!!!
Dr. Life
Nice post, when is the next one?
ReplyDeleteSounds interesting, my mom had cancer I would love to see this play. Where do I get tickets?
ReplyDeleteThanks for your support!! We will post when and where to get tickets, as soon as they they become available.
ReplyDeleteRehearsal tomorrow. Stay tuned for the next recap.