Recent studies have indicated that the number of cancer survivors have increased due to the improvements/advances in treatment options and access to healthcare. As we love to highlight the journey of those diagnosed with cancer, it is also important to explore the breakthroughs and the barriers. Dr. Kenneth Miller is the Director of the Lance Armstrong and Mr. Thomas Sellers, an advocate in cancer survivorship share an insightful conversation on the advances and the challenges that exist for cancer survivors.
While each journey is unique, we all share a common theme cancer changes our lives forever.
As the World Turns actress Colleen Zenk Pinter shares her journey of Oral Cancer. What's most important is the connection to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Adina Nack, PhD, shares her journey with the virus. The growth of HPV is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the United States. At least 50% of sexually active people will have genital HPV at some time in their lives. It is also no longer just recognized as a women's health concern. In fact the HPV vaccination is now given to both genders (females and males). Listen to their journeys - you should know these things. Early detection may save your life.
While each journey is unique, we all share a common theme cancer changes our lives forever.
For more information go to --> HPV and Cancer Don't forget to share someone you know may need to hear this.
And the journey continues....... This morning, Robin Roberts of Good Morning America shared that she is facing a new health challenge.
In her words:
As many of you know, 5 years ago I beat breast cancer. I’ve always been a fighter, and with all of your prayers and support, a winner.
Sometimes the treatment for cancer can cause other serious medical problems. Today, I want to let you know that I’ve been diagnosed with MDS or myelodysplastic syndrome. It's a disease of the blood and bone marrow and was once known as preleukemia.
My doctors tell me I'm going to beat this -- and I know it's true.
If you Google MDS, you may find some scary stuff, including statistics that my doctors insist don’t apply to me. They say I’m younger and fitter than most people who confront this disease and will be cured.
Today, I will start what is known as pre-treatment -– chemotherapy in advance of a bone marrow transplant later this year. Bone marrow donors are scarce and particularly for African-American women. I am very fortunate to have a sister who is an excellent match, and this greatly improves my chances for a cure. As you know from my recent interview with Mark Zuckerberg, organ donation is vitally important. Many people don't realize they can be bone marrow donors. I encourage everyone to sign up on a donor registry like
I received my MDS diagnosis on the very day that Good Morning America finally beat the Today Show for the first time in 16 years. Talk about your highs and lows! Then a few weeks ago, during a rather unpleasant procedure to extract bone marrow for testing, I received word that I would interview President Obama the next day. The combination of landing the biggest interview of my career and having a drill in my back reminds me that God only gives us what we can handle and that it helps to have a good sense of humor when we run smack into the absurdity of life.
Bottom line: I’ve been living with this diagnosis for awhile and will continue to anchor GMA. I love what I do and the people with whom I do it. Along with my faith, family and friends, all of you at ABC News give me the motivation and energy to face this challenge.
Going forward, it’s business as usual at GMA, which means I’ll be right here every day with George, Sam, Josh and Lara. When I miss a day here or there, I’m fortunate that some very talented friends at ABC News will fill-in. When I undergo the transplant later this year, I’ll miss a chunk of time.
When I faced breast cancer, your prayers and good wishes sustained me, gave me such hope and played a major role in my recovery. In facing this new challenge, I ask humbly for more of your prayers and love – as I will keep you in my mine and update you regularly on my condition.
Love and blessings,
Many of us followed Robin's journey through breast cancer and watched her face it head on. We stood by the sidelines cheering her on and now it's time to get the pom poms and prayers out. While each journey is unique, we all share a common theme cancer changes our lives forever.
The fond memories of the Family Feud dates back to the days when Richard Dawson would introduce the guests and greet the women with a kiss before he asks them their first question. It would make me cringe yet I looked forward to it. Mr. Dawson hosted many families on the show and kept us at home engaged and wishing to one day be a part of the show. It was a fun time for our family as we would answer the questions and gauge how well we would have done if we were on the show. However, when Mr. Dawson retired from the show, there were many other fun hosts but certainly none like him.
Richard Dawson passed away from complications of esophageal cancer. Esophageal cancer may be caused by consuming alcohol, Barrett's esophagus, bile reflux, chewing tobacco, drinking extremely hot liquids, gastroesophageal reflux disease, obesity, radiation treatments around/near the esophagus and smoking.
No one can imagine the pain and suffering that he endured. However, we pray that he is at peace and that his family and friends will ind comfort in the memories. As fans, he will be with us forever as we recall those fond memories of seeing him in our homes each day.
While each journey is unique, we all share a common theme - cancer changes our lives forever.